Legal Terms

Legal Terms of Use of the Orgamites Mighty Education Program Resources, this Website may also collect certain PersonalData from its Users, please see our Privacy Policy

Owner and Data Controller:

The Orgamites and the Orgamites Mighty Education Programme is managed brought to you All Good Co., a Community Interest Company (
Company Address: 6 Marryat Square, Wyfold Road, Fulham, London, SW66UA
Co. No. 09678756

Owner contact email:

[email protected]

The educational resources provided by All Good Co. CIC are licensed under the Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). By accessing or using our educational resources, you agree to abide by the terms of this license. Below, we outline the key conditions and restrictions for the use of our materials.

1. Attribution

You are free to share, copy, and redistribute the materials in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to All Good Co. CIC, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made (though no derivatives are allowed).
This attribution should be made in a clear and visible manner, such as including the following statement:

“This educational material is provided by All Good Co. CIC, owners of the Orgamites Mighty Education Program, and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). For more information, visit: The Orgamites Mighty Education Program was created by Roydon Turner, with creative and production by All Good Co. CIC ( The name “Orgamites,” along with the logo and characters, are registered trademarks of All Good Co. CIC. © Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. All Good Co. is a Community Interest Company in the UK, No. 09678756.”

2. Non-Commercial Use

The educational resources provided by All Good Co. CIC are for non-commercial purposes only. You may not use these materials for commercial gain or in any way that primarily intends to achieve monetary or commercial advantage. This includes using the resources as part of a paid service, selling them, or using them in a product or service that charges fees.

If you wish to use the resources for commercial purposes, you must seek and obtain prior written permission from All Good Co. CIC. Please contact us at [email protected] for further details on obtaining a commercial license.

3. No Derivatives

You may not alter, remix, transform, or build upon the educational resources in any way. The materials must be shared and distributed in their original form. Modifications, adaptations, or derivative works of these resources are not permitted under the terms of this license.

If you would like to create derivative works or adapt these materials for your specific needs, you must first obtain explicit permission from All Good Co. CIC. Please contact us to discuss potential modifications and the approval process.

4. Use of Orgamites Name, Logo, and Characters

The name, logo, and characters associated with the Orgamites, including Heart, Captain Marrow (Bone), Eye, Pancreas, Kidney, Liver, Small Bowel (Small Intestine) and Lungs, are the exclusive intellectual property of All Good Co. CIC. In no way, and under no terms, may the Orgamites name, logo, or characters be used without a specific license agreement or prior written arrangement with All Good Co. CIC. Unauthorized use of these elements is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.

5. Disclaimer

While All Good Co. CIC strives to ensure the accuracy and quality of the educational resources, these materials are provided “as-is” without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. All Good Co. CIC is not liable for any errors, omissions, or for any losses or damages resulting from the use of the resources.

6. Termination of Use

All Good Co. CIC reserves the right to terminate or revoke access to these educational resources if the terms of the license or any applicable laws are violated. Misuse of the materials or breach of these terms may result in legal action.

The Orgamites Mighty Education Program is an organ donation and health education program created by Roydon Turner. Creative and production by All Good Co. CIC (

7. The name

“Orgamites,” along with the logo and characters, are registered trademarks of All Good Co. CIC. © Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. The program operates under applicable legal frameworks across international territories. The Orgamites Mighty Education Program is available under licence agreements with its partners in Canada, Greece, Northern Ireland, and South Africa. Our education tools for schools are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). All Good Co. is a Community Interest Company. A CIC, or Community Interest Company, is a business primarily focused on social objectives, where surpluses are principally reinvested in the business or community, rather than driven by profit for shareholders and owners.


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Why do we ask for these details?
This helps us track our growth and identify areas for improvement. Occasionally, we may reach out to see how things are going and learn how we can better serve you. Rest assured, we value your privacy—your data will never be shared. Our goal is simply to keep doing our best to help all our little ones stay healthy, strong, and kind!

Thank you for
getting in touch!

We welcome your communication, whether you’re curious about becoming a partner or have a general enquiry about our education programme. We’re a small, friendly team, so it might take a few days for us to get back to you. But rest assured, we’re eager to connect.

The Orgamites Mighty Education Program is proudly brought to you by All Good Co., a Community Interest Company (CIC).

A CIC is a business primarily focused on social objectives, whose surpluses are principally reinvested in the business or community, rather than being driven by profit for shareholders and owners.