

Orgtober represents more than just a month on the calendar; it symbolizes a beacon of hope for those in need. 

Orgtober aims to invigorate organ donation education by starting at a younger age, initiating family discussions, celebrating the core values that underlie organ donation (kindness, compassion, and inclusivity), and infusing an element of enjoyment into the process. 

At its core, Orgtober is a catalyst for change through education. We firmly believe that by empowering children with knowledge, we can reshape societal attitudes toward organ donation. Our mission is clear: to amplify awareness (and appreciation) for our organs, ignite crucial conversations about donation, and, in the long run, increase the number of life-saving donors.

The Orgamites, creators of the world’s only global organ donation awareness program for grades K-8, have set a remarkable mission for Orgtober: to heighten awareness of our remarkable organs, foster discussions about organ donation among families, and, as a result, empower people of all ages to make decisions about organ donation that’s right for them.  

Canada is proud to be at the forefront, demonstrating to schools, organizations, and individuals worldwide how it’s done. Together, we aspire to raise awareness that will ultimately translate into more lives saved, both in Canada and globally.

Orgtober promises to be a transformative undertaking, inspiring young minds, fostering family discussions, and sowing the seeds of compassion and generosity that will benefit society for generations to come. 

To learn more about the Orgamites Education Program and to download your free resources, visit

Discover educational tools for all grades and ages, visit



More info: The Orgamites and the Orgamites Mighty Education Programme were created by Roydon Turner. Creative and production by All Good Co., a Community Interest Company (

Our partners include Live Life Give Life, the Onassis Foundation, Canadian Blood Services, Team Margot, Giving to Help Others, Northern Ireland Donation, the Public Health Agency, the British Transplant Society, and the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT).

Supported by NHS Blood and Transplant, Organ Donation England, Wales, and Scotland. Official partner of the ESOT Congress in London, 2025.

*This approach has been validated through feedback and data gathered from our existing partners: Canadian Blood Services and Onassis Foundation (Greece), and Northern Ireland.


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Need more time? No problem—simply repeat the process or ask a friend or colleague.

Why do we ask for these details?
This helps us track our growth and identify areas for improvement. Occasionally, we may reach out to see how things are going and learn how we can better serve you. Rest assured, we value your privacy—your data will never be shared. Our goal is simply to keep doing our best to help all our little ones stay healthy, strong, and kind!

Thank you for
getting in touch!

We welcome your communication, whether you’re curious about becoming a partner or have a general enquiry about our education programme. We’re a small, friendly team, so it might take a few days for us to get back to you. But rest assured, we’re eager to connect.

The Orgamites Mighty Education Program is proudly brought to you by All Good Co., a Community Interest Company (CIC).

A CIC is a business primarily focused on social objectives, whose surpluses are principally reinvested in the business or community, rather than being driven by profit for shareholders and owners.